883 documents
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Full referenceShanghai lishi bowuguan (ed.) 上海历史博物馆, Survey of Shanghai 1840's-1940's (1992)
Author(s)Shanghai lishi bowuguan (ed.) 上海历史博物馆
TitleSurvey of Shanghai 1840's-1940's
Place of publicationShanghai
PublisherShanghai renmin meishu chubanshe
CollectionShanghai lishi bowuquan
Keywordsarchitecture; photographs; visual
Images from this Source(s) (47 results)

Moore's Memorial Church

Sir Robert Hart's statue

Shop in Fumin Street

Shanghai city wall

Qingzhen si - mosque

Southern section of the Bund in 1893

The Bund

Ceremony at the World War I memorial

Nanking road

Nanking road

Nanking road: surroundings

Nanking Road

Tilanqiao Prison

Imperial Maritime Customs House (first building)

Chinese Maritime Customs House (third building) under construction

The Sassoon House under construction

Cotton Goods Exchange

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation

Denmark Telegraph Co.

Shanghai Club

Concordia Club

The Astor House c.1900

China United Assurance

St. Joseph Church

Siccawei Observatory

Jiangwan sport center: Stadium, sport field and swimming pool of the Greater Shanghai

Yangtszepoo Power Station

Power House of the International Settlement

Fuxin Flour Mill no. 2, 4 & 8

Wangson & Co. Electric Factory 華生電器製造廠

Nanyang Brothers' Cigarette Company 南洋兄弟煙草公司

The Garbage Wharf on Soochow Creek in the 1930s

China Merchants’ Navigation Company: Kin lee yuen Wharf 招商局金利源碼頭

Bank Guild Hall 滬北錢業會館

Shops on Nanking road

Shanghai North Railway Station

Hongqiao Post office

The Kiangse Road Bridge over Soochow Creek

Street construction in the Chinese-administered districts


Market on Fookien Road

Hongkew Market

Foochow Road Market

Gate of the Ningbo Guild Hall

Film and tobacco advertisement on the street

Shanghai Race Club

Yipinxiang hotel and restaurant
472/883 results        
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